Kristine Breaux-McCullough

Kristine Breaux-McCullough

It works! My husband started using it on Monday and I have heard 2 snores (not episodes, 2 sounds on 2 separate nights). I do NOT hear Nora inflating at all and I am an extremely light sleeper. Prior to the Nora he snored off & on ALL night. I wore earplugs, made pillow tarriers, used a white noise machine & still woke up. The only thing that worked before was a mouth thing that hurt his jaw. Nora is amazing! We both wake up well rested. And trust me, I was skeptical.
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1-year 1 year limited warranty.
Accepted FSA/HSA funds accepted.

Buy Smart Nora

From $33/mo. or $399 $359 USD
(1,442+ Reviews)
  • Ships in 1-2 business days
  • Easy monthly payments with Affirm
  • 30 night money-back guarantee